Welcome (v2.0)

Getting started

All v2 endpoints require submission of a JWT Bearer token in an Authorization header
This is obtained by POSTing an authentication JSON object as a payload to the v2/requesttoken endpoint. See below for what the object looks like.

Your key will be valid for about a year, or whenever the authenticating user changes their email or password. After that, you'll receive a 401 back and should request a new JWT token.

For purposes of testing in swagger, you can paste the token (minus the quotes) into the "JWT Key from RequestToken/Get" field in the swagger header. It'll then be passed along automatically.

Basic Information

The API provides a means to create, retrieve, update, and delete resources stored and manipulated within the system. This interface is built on several elements of the REST tradition, offering consistent and intuitive access to these functionalities.

To specify the action being taken on a resource, such as viewing, updating, or deleting, the API utilizes "HTTP verbs" like GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. For creating a new resource, you would send a POST request to the collection's URL (e.g., .../event/list). Specific examples and usage details can be found in the provided documentation, including SWAGGER examples. The API's response will typically be the content of the requested or updated resource(s). The "Model" section in the documentation offers insight into the exact schema of these responses.

This API allows client software to retrieve and manipulate user data through HTTP requests, which transfer data encapsulated in JSON format.

Authentication is required for all requests, using credentials assigned to each user by an administrator. These credentials ensure that requests are made on behalf of an authorized user. Because the API is accessible via any tool capable of making HTTP requests, client software can be written in various programming languages and users can interact with it directly through any compatible tool.

In addition to software running under a user's operating system or on a server, this API also supports requests from JavaScript executed within a user's browser, thanks to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) compatibility.


The system also offers webhooks. These are notifications you can subscribe to, allowing you to receive updates about specific events within your app, such as approvals or the creation of new items. Subscriptions are set up through a dedicated option, with each subscription having a unique URL for receiving notifications, along with a set of topics you wish to be notified about. Once a subscription is in place, notifications about those topics will be sent to the specified URL.